“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -

If you'd like a copy of a publication, please get in touch. I am happy to provide PDFs
57. Zaman, K., Mun, H., Solon-Biet, SM., Senior, A., Raubenheimer, D. Simpson, SJ., Conigrave, AD. (2024). Mice regulate dietary amino acid balance and energy intake by selective between complementary protein sources. Journal of Nutrition. Accepted 4 April 2024.
56. Koemel, N., Laouali, N., Senior, AM., Celerajer, D., Grech, A., Solon-Biet, SM., Simpson, SJ., Raubenheimer, D., Gill, TP., Skilton, MR. (2024). The relationship between dietary macronutrient composition and telomere length among US adults. Advanced Biology. 16:e2300619.
55. Freire, T., Pulpitel, T., Clark, X., Mackay, F., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, SJ., Solon-Biet, SM., Crean, AJ. (2024). The effects of paternal dietary fat versus sugar on offspring body composition and anxiety-related behaviour. Physiology and Behaviour. 27:279:114533.
54. Freire, T., Clark, X., Pulpitel, T., Bell-Anderson, K., Ribeiro, R., Raubenheimer, D., Crean, AJ., Simpson, SJ., Solon-Biet, SM. (2024). Maternal macronutrient intake effects on offspring macronutrient targets and metabolism. Obesity, 32:4.
53. Solon-Biet, SM., Clark, X., Bell-Anderson, K., Rusu, PM., Perks, R., Freire, T., Pulpitel, T., Senior, AM., Hoy, AJ., Aung, O., Le Couteur, DG., Raubenheimer, D., Rose, AJ., Conigrave, AD., Simpson, SJ. (2023). Toward reconciling the roles of FGF21 in protein appetite, sweet preference and energy expenditure. Cell Reports, 42:113536. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113536.
52. Cootes, TA., Bhattacharyya, ND., Huang, S., Daniel, L., Bell-Anderson, K., Stifter, SA., Chew, T., Solon-Biet, SM., Saraiva, LR., Cai, Y., Chen, X., Simpson, SJ., Feng, CG. (2022) The quality of energy- and macronutrient-balanced diets regulates host susceptibility to influenza in mice. Cell Reports, 41:111638. DOI: 10.1016/j/celrep.2022.111638.
51. Rodriguez Paris, V., Wont, XY., Solon-Biet, SM., Edwards, MC., Aflatounian, A., Gilchrist, R. Simpson, SJ., Handelsman, DJ., Kaakoush, NO., Walters, K. (2022) The interplay between PCOS pathology and diet on gut microbiota in a mouse model. Gut Microbes, 14:1. DOI: 10.1080/19490976.2022.2085961.
50. Raubenheimer, D., Senior, AM., Mirth, C., Cui, Z., Hou, R., Le Couteur, DG., Solon-Biet, SM., Leopold, P., Simpson, SJ. (2022) Dietary balance across the life course: an integrative approach. iScience, 25:104315. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104315.
49. Le Couteur, DG., Raubenheimer, DR., Solon-Biet, SM., deCabo, R., Simpson, SJ. (2022) Does diet influence aging? Evidence from animal studies. J Int Med, DOI: 10.111/joim.13530.
48. Solon-Biet, SM., Griffiths, L., Fosh, S., Le Couteur, DG., Simpson, SJ., Senior, AM. (2022). Meta-analysis links dietary branched-chain amino acids to metabolic health in rodents. BMC Biology, 20:1. DOI 10.1186/s12915-021-01201-2.
47. Fotheringham, A., Solon-Biet, SM., Bielefeldt-Ohmann, H., McCarthy, D., McMahon, A., Ruohonen, K., Li, I., Sullivan, M., Whiddett, R., Borg, D., Cogger, V., Ballard, JWO., Turner, N., Melvin, R., Raubenheimer, D., Le Couteur., D., Simpson, SJ., Forbes, J. (2021). The impacts of chronic consumption of low dietary protein on kidney function and structure are not explained by traditional kidney disease risk factors. iScience, 24:11. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103308.
46. Le Couteur, D., Solon-Biet, SM., Parker, BL., Pulpitel, T., Brandon, A., Hunt, N., Wali, J., Gokarn, R., Senior, A., Cooney, G., Raubenheimer, D., Cogger, V., James, DE., Simpson, SJ. (2021). Long-term nutritional regulation of liver proteome targets the spliceosome and mitochondria in mice. Cell Metabolism. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.10.016.
45. Wali, J., Milner, A., Luk, A., Pulpitel, T., Dodgson, T., Facey, H. Wahl, D., Kebede, M., Senior, A., Brandon, A., Yau, B., Lockwood., G., Koay, Y., Ribeiro, R., Solon-Biet, SM., Bell-Anderson, K., O’Sullivan, J., Macia, L., Forbes, J., Gooney, G., Cogger, V., Holmes, A., Raubenheiner, D., Le Couteur, D., Simpson, S. (2021). Impact of dietary carbohydrate type and protein – carbohydrate interaction on metabolic health. Nature Metabolism. DOI: 10.1038/s42255-021-00393-9.
44. Wali, J., Solon-Biet, S.M., Freire, T., Brandon, A.E. (2021) Macronutrient determinants of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic health. Biology, 10:336. DOI 10.3390/biology10040336.
43. Xu, X., Solon-Biet, S.M., Senior, A., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Fontana, L., Mueller, S. Yang, J.Y.H. (2020) LC-N2G: a local consistency approach for nutrigenomics data analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 21:530. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-020-03861-3.
42. Le Couteur, D.G., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Ribeiro, R., de Cabo, R., Raubenheimer, D., Cooney, G.J., Simpson, S.J. (2020). Branched chain amino acids, aging and age-related health. Ageing Research Reviews, 64:101198. DOI: 10.1016/j.arr.2020.101198.
41. Rodriguez Paris, V., Solon-Biet, S.M., Senior, A.M., Edwards, M.C., Desai, R., Tedla, N., Cox, M.J., Ledger, W.L., Gilchrist, R.B., Simpson, S.J., Handelsman, D.J., Walters, K.A. (2020). Defining the impact of dietary macronutrient balance on PCOS traits. Nature Communications, 11:5262. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19003-5.
40. Yap, Y.Y., Rusu, P.M., Chan, A.Y., Fam, B.C., Jungmann, A., Solon-Biet, S.M., Barlow, C.K., Creek, D.J., Huang, C., Schittenhelm, R.B., Morgan, B., Schmoll, D., Kiens, B., Piper, M.D.W., Heikenwalder, M., Simpson, S.J., Broer, S., Andrikopoulos, S., Muller, O.J., Rose, A.J. (2020). Restriction of essential amino acids dictates the systemic metabolic response to dietary protein dilution. Nature Communications, 11:2894. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16568.
39. Freire, T., Senior, A., Perks, R., Pulpitel, T., Clark, X., Brandon, A., Wahl, D., Hatchwell, L., Le Couteur, D., Cooney, G., Larance, M., Simpson, S., Solon-Biet, S.M. Sex-specific metabolic responses to 6 hours fasting during the active phase in young mice. Journal of Physiology. DOI: 10.1113/JP278806.
38. Hew, J., Parungao, R., Shi, P.H., Tsai, K., Ma, D., Nicholls, C., Li, Z., Solon-Biet, S.M., D’Souz, M., Le Couteur, D., Simpson, S.J., Jeschke, M.G. Maitz, P., Wang, Y. (2020). The geometric framework reveals that a moderate-protein, high carbohydrate intake is optimal for severe burn injury in mice. British Journal of Nutrition, 27:1-24.
37. Wahl, D., Gokarn, R., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., LaRocca, T., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. (2019). Modelling nutrition and brain aging in rodents. The Neuroscience of Aging. Elsevier, New York, in press.
36. Ribeiro, R.,* Solon-Biet, S.M*., Pulpitel, T., Senior, A., Cogger, V., Clark, X, O’Sullivan, J., Koay, Y.C., Hirani, V., Blyth, F., et al. (2019). Of older mice and men: branched-chain amino acids and body composition. DOI: 10.3390/nu11081882 *co-first author
35. Hill, C.M., Laeger, T., Dehner, M., Albarado, D.C., Clarke, B., Wanders, D., Burke, S.J., Collier, J.J., Qualls-Creekmore, E., Solon-Biet, S.M., Simpson, S.J., Berthoud, Hans-Rudolf, Munzberg, Heike, Morrison, C.D. (2019). FGF21 signals protein status to the brain and adaptively regulates food choice and metabolism. Cell Reports, 27: 2934-2947.
​34. Wahl, D., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Fontana, L., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Ribeiro, R.V. Aging, lifestyle and dementia. (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104481
33. Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Pultipel, T., Wahl, D., Clark, X., Bagley, E.E., Gregoriou, G.C., Senior, A.M., Wang, QP., Brandon, A.E., Perks, R., O’Sullivan, J.O., Koay, Y.C., Bell-Anderson, K., Kebede, M., Yau, B., Atkinson, C., Svineng, G., Wali, J.A., Piper, M.D.W., Juricic, P., Partridge, L., Rose, A.J., Raubenheimer, D., Cooney, G.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J. (2019) Branched-chain amino acids impact health and lifespan indirectly via amino acid balance and appetite control. Nature Metabolism, DOI 10.1038/s42255-019-0059-2.
32. Senior, A.M., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Le Couteur, D.G., Nakagawa, S., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J. Dietary macronutrient content, age-specific mortality and lifespan. (2019). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2019.0393.
31. Solon-Biet, S.M., Wahl, D., Raubenheimer, D., Cogger, V.C., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J. The Geometric Framework: an approach for studying the impact of nutrition and healthy aging. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models. DOI: 10.1016/j.ddmod.2019.03.002.
30. Wahl, D., Gokarn, R., Mitchell, S.J., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., de Cabo, R. Central nervous system SIRT1 expression is required for cued and contextual fear conditioning memory responses in aging mice. Nutrition and Healthy Aging. DOI: 10.3233/NHA-180059.
29. Koay, Y.C., Wali, J.,A., Luk, A.W.S., Macia, L., Cogger, V.C., Pulpitel, T.J., Wahl, D., Solon-Biet, S.M., Holmes, A., Simpson, S.J., O’Sullivan, J.F. (2019). Ingestion of resistant starch by mice markedly increases microbiome-derived metabolites. DOI:10.1096/fj.201900177R.
28. Morimoto, J., Senior, A., Ruiz, K., Wali, J., Pulpitel, T., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V., Raubenheimer, D., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J., Eberhard, J. (2019). Sucrose and starch intake contribute to alveolar bone height in a rodent model of naturally occurring periodontitis. 14, e0212796
27. Wahl, D., Solon-Biet, SM., Wang, Q.P., Wali, J.A., Pulpitel, T., Clark, X., Raubenheimer, D., Senior, A.M., Sinclair, D.A., Cooney, G.J., de Cabo, R., Cogger, V.C., Simpson, S.J. Le Couteur, D.G. (2018). Comparing the effects of low protein, high carbohydrate diets and caloric restriction on brain aging in mice. , 25:2234-2243.
26. Rowe, C., Figueira, W., Raubenheimer, D., Solon-Biet, SM., Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. (2018). Effects of temperature on macronutrient selection, metabolic and swimming performance of the Indo-Pacific Damselfish. , 165:178. DOI:10.1007/s00227-018-3435-7.
25. Gokarn, R., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Cooney, G.C., Wahl, D., McMahon, A.C., Mitchell, J.R., Mitchell, S.M., Hine, C., de Cabo, R., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur D.G. (2018). Long-term dietary macronutrients and hepatic gene expression in aging mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, DOI:10.1093/gerona/gly065.
24. Solon-Biet, S.M., Wahl, D., Raubenheimer, D., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J., Cogger, V.C. A framework for uncovering the roles of calories and macronutrients in health and aging. Conn’s Handbook on Models for Human Aging (2018). Chapter 85; Elsevier, New York. 2nd Ed.
23. Gokarn, R., Solon-Biet, S.M., Youngson, N.A., Wahl, D., Cogger, V.C., McMahon, A.C., Cooney, G.J., Ballard, J.W.O., Raubenheimer, D., Morris, M.J., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. (2017). The relationship between dietary macronutrients and hepatic telomere length in aging mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glx186.
22. Polak, M., Simmons, L. W., Benoit, J.B., Ruohonen, K., Simpson, S.J., Solon-Biet, S.M. (2017) Nutritional geometry of paternal effects on embryo mortality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1492.
21. Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Cogger, V.C., Solon-Biet, S.M., Raubenheimer, D., George, J. (2017) Nutritional geometry of liver disease including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 68:316-325. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.
20. Wahl, D., Coogan, S.C.P., Solon-Biet, S.M., de Cabo, R., Haran, J.B., Raubenheimer, D., Cogger, V.C., Mattson, M.P., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. (2017). Cognitive and behavioral evaluation of nutritional interventions in rodent models of brain aging and dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 12:1419-1428.
19. Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., James, D.E., George, J., Gunton, J.E., Solon-Biet, S.M., Raubenheimer, D. (2017). The Geometric Framework for Nutrition as a tool in precision medicine. DOI: 10.3233/NHA-170027.
18. Faiman, R., Solon-Biet, S.M., Sullivan, M., Huestis, D.L., Lehmann, T. (2017). The contribution of dietary restriction to extend longevity in the malaria vector Anopheles coluzzi. Parasites & Vectors, 10:156.
17. Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Raubenheimer, D., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cooney, G.J., Cogger, V.C., Fontana, L. (2017). Dietary protein, aging and nutritional geometry. Ageing Research Reviews, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.arr.2017.03.001.
16. Hew, J., Solon-Biet, S.M*., McMahon, A.C., Ruohonen, K., Raubenheimer, D., Ballard, J.W.O., Le Couteur, D.G., Nicholls, C., Li, Z., Maitz, P.K.M., et al. (2016). The effects of dietary macronutrient balance on skin structure in aging male and female mice. PLoS ONE, 11:e0166175. *co-first author
15. Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Pulpitel, T., Heblinski, M., Wahl, D., McMahon, A.C., Warren, A., Durrant-Whyte, J., Gokarn, R., Wali, J., et al. (2016). Defining the nutritional and metabolic context of fgf21 using the geometric framework. Cell Metabolism, 24(4):555-565.
14. Holmes, A.J., Chew, Y., Colakoglu, F., Cliff, J.B., Klaassens, E., Read, M.N., Solon-Biet, S.M., McMahon, A.C., Cogger, V.C., Ruohonen, K., et al. (2016). Diet-microbiome interactions in health are controlled by intestinal nitrogen source constraints. Cell Metabolism, 25(1):140-151.
13. Wahl, D., Cogger, V.C., Solon-Biet, S.M., Waern, R.V., Gokarn, R., Pulpitel, T., Cabo, R., Mattson, M.P., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. Nutritional strategies to optimise cognitive function in the aging brain. (2016). Ageing Research Reviews, 31:80-92.
12. Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Solon-Biet, S.M., Coogan, S.C.P. Nutritional ecology and the evolution of aging. (2016). Experimental Gerontology, 86:50-61.
11. Mohamad, M., Mitchell, S.J., Wu, L.E., White, M.Y., Cordwell, S.J., Mach, J., Solon-Biet, S.M., Boyer, D., Nines, D., Das, A., Li, S.C., Warren, A., Hilmer, S.N., Fraser, R., Sinclair, D.A., Simpson, S.J., de Cabo, R., Le Couteur, D.G., Cogger, V.C. (2016). Ultrastructure of the liver microcirculation influences hepatic and systemic insulin activity and provides a mechanism for age-related insulin resistance. Aging Cell. 15(4):706-15.
10. Le Couteur, D.G., Solon-Biet, S.M., Wahl, D., Cogger, V.C., Willcox, B.J., Willcox, D.C., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J. Dietary protein, ageing and the Okinawan ratio. (2016). Age and Ageing, 45(4):443-7.
9. Cogger, V.C., Mohamad, M., Solon-Biet, S.M., Senior, A., Warren, A., O’Reilly, J., Tung, B.T., Svistounov, D., McMahon, A., Fraser, R., Raubenheimer, D., Holmes, A., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. (2016). Dietary Macronutrients and the aging liver sinusoidal endothelial cell. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 310(9):H1064-70.
8. Le Couteur, D.G., Solon-Biet, S.M., Cogger, V.C., Mitchell, S.J., Senior, A., de Cabo, R., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J. (2016). The impact of low-protein high-carbohydrate diets on aging and lifespan. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 73(6):1237-52.
7. Solon-Biet, S.M., Mitchell, S.J., De Cabo, R., Raubenheimer, D., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J. (2015). Macronutrients and caloric intake in health and longevity. Journal of Endocrinology, 226:R17-R28.
6. Solon-Biet, S.M., Mitchell, S.J., Coogan, S.P.C., Cogger, V.C., Gokarn, R., McMahon, A.C., Raubenheimer, D., de Cabo, R., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.G. (2015). Dietary protein to carbohydrate ratio and caloric restriction: comparing metabolic outcomes in mice. Cell Reports, 11:1-6.
5. Solon-Biet, S.M., Walters, K.A., Simanainen, U., McMahon, A.C., Ruohonen, K., Ballard, J.W.O., Raubenheimer, D., Handelsman, D.J., Le Couteur, D.G., Simpson, S.J. (2015). Macronutrient balance, reproductive function and lifespan in aging mice. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, 112: 3481-3486.
4. Solon-Biet, S. M., McMahon, A. C., Ballard, J. W. O., Ruohonen, K., Wu, L. E., Cogger, V.C., Warren, A., Huang, X., pichaud, N., Melvin, R. G., Gokarn, R., Khalil, M., Turner, N., Cooney, G. J., Sinclair, D. A., Raubenheimer, D., Le Couteur, D. G., Simpson, S.J. (2014). The ratio of macronutrients, not caloric intake, dictates cardiometabolic health, aging, and longevity in ad libitum-fed mice. Cell Metabolism, 19, 418-430.
3. Le Couteur, D., Tay, S., Solon-Biet, S. M., Bertolino, P., McMahon, A.C., Cogger, V., Colakoglu, F., Warren, A., Holmes, A., Pichaud, N., Horan, M., Correa, C., Melvin, R., Turner, N., Ballard, J.W., Ruohonen, K., Raubenheimer, D., Simpson, S.J. (2014). The influence of macronutrients on splanchnic and hepatic lymphocytes in aging mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 196:1-9.
2. Cogger, V. C., Svistounov, D., Warren, A., Zykova, S., Melvin, R. G., Solon-Biet, S. M., O’Reilly, J. N., McMahon, A. C., Ballard, J. W. O., de Cabo, R., Le Couteur, D. G. & Lebel, M. (2013). Liver aging and pseudocapillarization in a werner syndrome mouse model. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 69(9):1076-86.
1. Huang, X., Hancock, D. P., Gosby, A. K., McMahon, A. C., Solon, S. M. C., Le Couteur, D. G., Conigrave, A. D., Raubenheimer, D. & Simpson, S. J. (2013). Effects of dietary protein to carbohydrate balance on energy intake, fat storage, and heat production in mice. Obesity, 21, 85-92.